Thursday, April 29, 2010

flowers in my hair

Here's a pretty song just for you.

Now I really must get back to my poetry notes.
Adios Duckies.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

oh my gosh

Yes, Oh My Gosh. 

Isn't this just the most disgustingly beautiful thing you've ever seen?

And this is coming from Miss. Slug-phobia.
Watch it till the end, go on!

In other news, I bought a pretty disposable camera. I'll show you some other time.
Stay safe!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

rabbits and me

A painting I finished recently. Oh, oil paints, I did miss you. 

Hope you enjoy it, duckies. And don't forget to give love to the artist of the original photo. Follow your noses (or the link, your choice).

Tea-time, I think!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

where it began

I suppose I should start from the very beginning, since this is my first post.
This is me. 17 or so years ago. Chubby little ducky.

Take care of yourselves now, lovelies.

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