Wednesday, June 30, 2010

jellybean rainbow

Hilo world,
I'm finding it difficult to set my focus onto anything big lately, there's so much going on and yet things seem sort of empty. 
But since I can't concentrate on larger paintings I've been creating some little scribbles with my marker pens in the meantime.
Oh, I've also enrolled into a portrait painting class which starts in a week or so, hopefully it will jog my muse into action at long last.

Enjoy the drawings; now I'm off to enjoy my summer days some more.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

itsy bitsy things

Hello pretty people, 
Sorry about my super long absence but now it is summer so I've been out and about a lot making my feet crack by walking barefoot on hot rock and dehydrating my skin with salt and sun. This pleases me.

Today I drew two little pictures, I hope you like them; they are only worth as much as the reception they get. 
But it doesn't matter really, because they were fun to make and I think I'll be pinning them to my wardrobe later.


I've also made a crazy amount of bracelets in the past couple of days, and I'm now experimenting with earrings. 
Perhaps these will be for sale soon.

I'm totally in the mood to write something, maybe a poem, or something resembling one. But I should go buy my bunny some food instead, because there's no more left and he's probably rather hungry.

So bye now!
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